Dyslexia is the most common among all learning disabilities, and is more common than we think. Early identifiation proves to be an advantage, with remediation and cure around the corner, says Anupama Sircar, Remedial Therapist, Learning Graph, Hyderabad Dyslexia is a neuro-developmental disorder, characterised by a signifiant impairment in literacy skills. It primarily affects one’s...
I always admired my teachers, both in school as well as in college. Their contribution was not just the content they delivered during the class or lecture, but hugely in terms of the building of an individual. This often happens organically, I think? “Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten”....
With Anu (Anupama Sircar), the first thing one remembers is that her human side comes across first. Not many people come across like that because a lot of people are obsessed with themselves, with what they are doing or thinking. Needless to say, it is always a pleasure to meet her because there is always...
Children, who cannot read and write as easily as their peers can feel extremely incompetent and diffident. This affects their self-esteem and overall will to “learn”. Children feel stigmatized when withdrawn from class for extra help at their existing schools, or discouraged by doing easier work than others. At TheLearningraph, we believe the solution is...
Dyslexia is a learning disability which can be treated by following right remedial therapy measures. Dyslexic children can be intelligent but their perception of different things is different from normal kids. Read on to find which remedial measures should parents take in order to help their children cope with dyslexia with an ease. Following are...
Our mission is to transform lives by helping students with learning disabilities realize their educational and social potential. TheLearningraph primary focus is our students. At the heart of the TheLearningraph experience is a partnership between the student and teacher – our one-to-one tutorial. Our students obtain the best possible opportunity to realize their potential in...